Thursday 12 November 2009

Radio mics, 30 tapes, fluffy for the mic / River Amur

Remaining gear arrived today. Had fun setting up radio-mics, listening in to the family as I walked away, signal made it through two rooms and thick walls - impressive. Also found out the River Amur in East Russia is in the top ten longest rivers and the only major river to flow west - east, others like Ob, drain into the arctic.

Monday 9 November 2009

Weigh in

Tripod 5kg, Camera bag 10kg, Case 10kg, still to pack - books, wash-kit, and 30 tapes. I need a trolley.

Friday 6 November 2009

Getting ready

Packing! Finding winter clothes from where they were logically hidden away last spring. Deciding whether faded mittens will cope at -20 C. Still tracking down the last bits of kit, a new laptop for editing video as I travel needs a new fire-wire lead so it can speak to the camera. Radio-mics, buy or lease?

And then there it is time to decide on books - not to read for pleasure so much as to reach for when my imagination fails to measure up to the challenge of making sense of how climate change will wreak havoc with our civilisation - I think A Green History of the World: The Environment and the Collapse of Great Civilizations by Clive Ponting.